Join our network of 100+ Pulsar Partners today

Earn rewards by referring Manufacturing companies interested in monitoring and digitalizing their plant operations. Joining our Partner Program is fast, simple, and entirely remote.

Becoming a Pulsar Partner is simple and rewarding

Earn extra income with no extra effort.
Earn for Referrals
Receive financial rewards for every referral that becomes a Pulsar client.

No Training Required

No extra knowledge is required—just connect us with your referral.
Start Right Away
Begin referring from day one.
Completely Remote
Collaborate entirely online—no plant visits needed.

Start referring today

Illustration depicting the search for contacts in your personal network
Identify your contacts
Select contacts and companies that could benefit from our technology.
Illustration depicting the contact reference
Refer and connect
Share their information, and we will arrange the first meeting with them.
Illustration depicting benefits
Reap the benefits
Earn a bonus for every referral that becomes a client.

Driving productivity in Manufacturing with Industry 4.0 technology

Partner talking on cell phone
Manufacturing shop floor
Partner having a video conference
Operators in an industrial plant.
Real-time productivity insights

Automatically track OEE, performance, and production metrics for every machine shift.

Proactive stop detection and agile resolution

Our digital Andon system has customizable alerts that allow you to detect and escalate issues quickly.

Data-driven historical analysis

Use advanced analytics and custom reports to identify patterns and optimize processes.

Our Clients

Trusted by Manufacturing companies in the U.S., Mexico, and LATAM
Partner working remotely from your computer

Who can become a Partner?

Professionals with extensive experience in Manufacturing

Continuous improvement and digital transformation consultants

Industry leaders with established professional networks

No training is required—refer and start earning.

Join our network of 100+ Pulsar Partners

Join our network of +100 Pulsar Partners